Ursin Filli

Hello World AS202427 @ RIPE NCC

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
HTML 0 1
Java Utils
Java 2 0
Maintenance in Progress
Java 1 0
:zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
JavaScript 0 0
Deprecated: One in the Chamber plugin for bukkit & spigot
Java 0 1
Management Plugin for Paper
Java 1 0
Management Plugin for Velocity
Java 1 0
Java Database Library
Java 2 0
Head decoration plugin for bukkit & spigot
Java 1 0
The easiest way to run a self-hosted High Availability Kubernetes cluster. A fully automated HA k3s etcd install with kube-vip, MetalLB, and more
Jinja 0 0
Background information how i route my /24 PI IP space
Modul 226b | Java
Java 0 0
Modul 120 | Java
Java 0 0
Java Game Snake
Java 0 0
A basic implementation of the Minecraft protocol
Java 1 1
Simple Maintenance Server for Minecraft
Java 0 0
Is BGP safe yet?
HTML 0 0
Server management ansible files
Python 0 0
Ansible Role - Setup
The official ansible role to setup mailcow using Ansible
Shell 0 0
Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 11.
Ansible Role - Docker
Ansible Role - Installing and configuring oh-my-zsh
Shell 0 0
Ansible Role - Pip
Ansible role for installing WireGuard VPN. Supports Ubuntu, Debian, Archlinx, Fedora and CentOS.
Jinja 0 0
Ansible Role - iptables Firewall configuration
Shell 0 0
Ansible Role - Node Exporter
Python 0 0
Ansible Role - Postgresql
Ansible Role - Promtail
Jinja 0 0
Ansible Role - Loki
Ansible Role - Fail2ban
Ansible Role - Owncloud
Ansible Role - Overseerr
Ansible Role - Jellyfin
Ansible Role - Mstream
Ansible Role - Medusa
Ansible Role - Mylar3
Ansible Role - Netbootxyz
Ansible Role - Pihole Unbound
Ansible Role - Prometheus
Jinja 0 0
Ansible Role - Plex
Ansible Role - Piwigo
Ansible Role - Pihole
Ansible Role - Papermerge
Ansible Role - Uptime-kuma
Ansible Role - Update
Ansible Role - Swag
Ansible Role - SSH
Ansible Role - Sonarqube
Ansible Role - Snipe IT
Ansible Role - Smokeping
Ansible Role - Redis
Ansible Role - Pydio Cells
Ansible Role - Nextcloud
Ansible Role - Nzbget
Ansible Role - MariaDB
Ansible Role - Nzbhydra
Ansible Role - Ombi
Ansible Role - Jenkins
Ansible Role - Keycloak
Ansible Role - Lidarr
Ansible Role - Lazylibrarian
Ansible Role - Librespeed
Ansible Role - Homeassistant
Ansible Role - Heimdall
Ansible Role - Hedgedoc
Ansible Role - Healthchecks
Ansible Role - Headphones
Ansible Role - Grocy
Ansible Role - Grafana
Jinja 0 0
Ansible Role - Freshrss
Ansible Role - Foldingathome
Ansible Role - Endlessh
Ansible Role - Emulatorjs
Ansible Role - Embystat
Ansible Role - Emby
Ansible Role - Duplicati
Ansible Role - Dokuwiki
Ansible Role - Dillinger
Ansible Role - Deluge
Ansible Role - Couchpotato
Ansible Role - Calibre Web
Ansible Role - Calibre
Ansible Role - Boinc
Ansible Role - Beets
Ansible Role - Bazarr
Ansible Role - Archisteamfarm
Leaflet utility function on geometries
JavaScript 0 0
Terraform github
Terraform module - Github repo
Repo to Backup my Personal Playbooks for Server Administration
Terraform cloudflare
Terraform module - Cloudflare firewall
Terraform module - Cloudflare dns
ÜK 101 | HTML / CSS
HTML 0 0
Hello | COBOL
Modul 133 | PHP
Modul 150 | PHP
Modul 151 | PHP
ÜK 307 | PHP
Default community health file
Hello | D
Modul 426 | PHP
Modul 426 | PHP
Modul 335 | JavaScript
JavaScript 1 1
Spigot Plugin | Permissions System
Java 0 0
Tell Microsoft to drop ICE as a client or lose us as GitHub users
Self hosted, online RCON administration tool for your game server.
Java Helper Library | Database
Java 0 0
Spigot Game Template
Java 0 0
Spigot Helper Library | Game
Java 0 0
Mirror of https://gitlab.com/ursinn/PermissionSystem-Spigot
Java 0 0
Modul 411 - Java | Modul 226a - Java | Modul 226b - Java
Java 0 0
Modul 403 - C/C++ | Modul 404 - C++
PHP Bilder Galerie
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
GitHub do not ban us from open source world :iran:
This is a collection of #botnet source codes, unorganized. For EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY
The German Minecraft clone coded in Java with LWJGL.